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Built-in intents

You can teach your bot how to speak with clients. To do it, show various clients’ reactions to the bot and explain how to respond to these reactions.

These clients’ reactions are included in the Intents block. Depending on the client’s intent, the bot directs the conversation to the appropriate script branch.

Moreover, you can often predict what the client will say. For example, they can say “hello” or “goodbye”, show their agreement on something and so on.

For such cases, we have compiled a list of built-in intents that covers the most common behavior patterns the clients may have. These intents make bot creation easier.

Sample phrases and phrase templates are already included in built-in intents. However, if you want to add your own sample phrases and phrase templates to a built-in intent, you can do it when editing an Intents block.

To add a built-in intent, select it from the User says section in the block menu.

To see all built-in intents, open the More blocks submenu.

List of built-in intents

We have prepared over fifteen built-in intents for you.

Most of the built-in intents include patterns with a pre-made list of templates and sample phrases which will trigger an intent.

Intents in the main block menu

IntentDescriptionWhat is included
AgreementDetects client’s consent, e.g., the following words: yes, ok, good, etc.Patterns:
DisagreementDetects a negative answer. For example, a client’s response with the following phrases: no, don’t need that, cancel, etc.Patterns:
Date&TimeRetrieves date or time from the client’s message. The value is placed into the $DATETIME variable.The $DATETIME system entity

Intents in the additional menu

IntentDescriptionWhat is included
GreetingDetects a greeting, e.g., the following phrases: good day, hello, etc.The $hello pattern
PartingDetects a goodbye phrase, e.g., the following phrases: bye, goodbye, see you, etc.Patterns:
GratitudeDetects a client’s thank-you phrase, e.g., phrases like thank you, thanks, etc.The $thanks pattern
DoubtDetects a client’s doubt, e.g., phrases like maybe, could be, perhaps, etc.Patterns:
EmailDetects an email address entered by the client. The value is placed into the $EMAIL variable.A regular expression
GenderDetects the client’s gender. This intent accepts values like man, woman, girl, boy, guy, etc. The value is placed into a $GENDER variable.The $gender pattern

Emotions intent group

IntentDescriptionWhat is included
Explicit languageDetects obscene or offensive words, e.g., swear words like fool, moron, etc.
Positive reactionDetects the client’s appraisal, e.g., phrases like good, I like it, etc.Patterns:
Negative reactionDetects the client’s negative reaction, e.g., phrases like bad, not really, I don’t like it, etc.The $bad pattern

Advanced intent group

num to $varSaves the client’s response to a variable. The client’s response must be a number.
text to $varSaves the client’s response to a variable that can be used later in the script.
file to $varSaves files from the clients to a variable.
phone to $varSaves a phone number provided by the client to a variable that can be used later in the script.